Recommended Resources

Other Resources

We also recommend some of these other resources not on our site. These may have affiliate links where we get paid to refer you. This does NOT increase your price.

Free ebook, Ten Things This Mama Taught Her Kids About Having Their Own Businesses by Rhea!

How to Understand Economics in 1 Hour by Marshall Payn

Get a Bitcoin account for your Cyrptocurrencies. We each get $10 in bitcoin by using this link.

Samaritan Ministries - a substitute for medical insurance.

Proven Amazon Course - a course on selling on by the top peer leader in Amazon selling, Jim Cockrum.

Larry Goins - Profiting on Cheap, Run-down Houses

Larry Goin's Filthy Riches Real Estate Course.

Jim Cockrum's Proven Amazon Course for those wanting to learn how to sell on Amazon.