Rhea's Protégés
If You're Looking for Family Business Coaching So You and the Kids Can Start Investing Your Talents in Serving Others With Your Home Business While You Achieve Financial Freedom, Check Out Our Protege Program!
Since 2005, I have been a member of a coaching group of Internet experts in a variety of fields from all over the world. What I've learned from them has literally changed my life and my family's income.
Several years ago, my mentor encouraged me to start a coaching program to provide that same motivation, interaction, and specific Internet education for families all over the world. We called it Rhea's Protégés.
This program is for families who are serious about starting or building a home business and who are ready to explore the vast options in the home business world and get started on the journey.
We once limited our group to a small number of families so I could work closely with the family members in our program. We only invited new members to join about twice a year. But as our students became experts and then teachers, we soon realized the value of offering their services to the group. Some of them are doctors! So I'm proud to announce that Protégé families now have access to a wide variety of experts to meet with via telephone once every month.
Here's What's Included:
Your Own Personal Vision Session We start every Protégé family with a one-hour Vision Session where we ask you a few questions to help you figure out what you want to be when you grow up... or if you want to grow up at all! Our Business Manager sends you a small list of questions to answer before the session so you have time to think about the answers and write them down. So far, no one has ever asked themselves those questions. You'll be surprised by the conversation in that session and by the projects we come up for you to begin implementing.
Weekly Training Webinars Every Monday night, except on holidays, our member families meet virtually to learn more about how to employ their talents and skills in home businesses of all kinds.
These sessions can be trainings that may come from special guests, other proteges, or from me as we all provide up-to-date information about different aspects of business and entrepreneurial thinking.
Other types of sessions are mastermind meetings where we open the lines for lively discussion about anything anyone wants to discuss.
Once a month, we open the call to the basic members of our online community at EducatingforSuccess to join us.
Closed Discord Group Educating for Success has a closed Discord group for our members to interact with each other. Members discuss their issues and get advice from each other. That's also where many entrepreneurs have found the other members of their team. Protégés are subscribed to that group.
Private Facebook Group Our Protégés are also invited to join our closed Protégé Facebook Group to continue the discussion, get announcements of calls and activities and get answers to their challenges.
Our Annual Home Business Conference has been held every year in August since 2003. Families have come from all over the world and from almost every state in America to this unique three-day family business conference which is held in nice hotels in different cities across America. Keynotes have been Joel Salatin, John Taylor Gatto, Mark Victor Hansen, Charlie "Tremendous" Jones, Sharon Lechter, the Benham brothers, Richard Paul Allen, and many of the Internet millionaires such as Armand Morin. Attendees have found team members, teachers, mentors and best friends there. We host this upscale event so young people will learn how to attend professional business conferences to continue their education and expand their network.
As a member family, you get a special discounted rate to attend.
Protégé Day is held on either the day before or the day after the Home Business Conference. It's an extra day of special networking and brainstorming and only Proteges are invited to attend.
Home Education for Home Business Conference
This unique event helps families learn how to home educate their children specifically to understand and engage in home business. Veteran experts are invited to share the lessons they have learned. Often, they grown children join them as speakers on the stage. The experts we invite are not new to homeschooling. They don't come with untried theories or an agenda to promote. They are experts because they have spent years learning how to homeschool by doing it. They don't have perfect families. None of us do. But they have lessons to share and the ability to share their stories well. We hold this event at a state park to keep the environment community-based, low budget and low key. We want families to have fun and enjoy the great outdoors with like-minded friends and family while they learn the secrets of successful home education. And yes, at the end of every evening, we host English Country Dancing.
Proteges get a discount on this family event.
Discounts on Virtual Classes From time to time, we offer different home business courses taught by experts in their fields. As a Protégé, you get discounts to all online classes by Educating for Success, on topics that are not even in the Occupational Outlook Handbook yet! Because the Internet is opening up so many new opportunities for working from home, our classes are cutting edge. Most last between four and eight weeks and often are followed by an apprenticeship.
Lots of Other Perks Any time we launch something new, we always test it first on the Protégés. That means, you often get access to our products and services at no cost before we announce them to the world.
Are You Ready to Start
Breaking Out of the Rat Race and
Start Working toward Bringing Dad Home?
If you are ready to learn how to create a home business that can generate enough money to support your family and help others as well, then we'd love to help you get the education and encouragement you need to make it happen. That's what we do for Rhea's Protégés.
If you have questions, email my office to set an appointment for us to talk. We want to make sure this program is right for you.
So many people wander aimlessly through life these days. I want to make use of every minute of my life. And I want to help you make a difference in your world too! If you're looking for a family home business mentoring program, our group of experts may be the answer you have been praying for. Let's talk!
Membership in Our Community of Entrepreneurs
Has Been $497 down plus $147/month.
But right now,
Your Entire Family Can Join for
Just $97/month!
Claim Your Membership in
Rhea's Protégés
For Just $97/month
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Rhea, please give me access to your community! I want to learn the concepts that will help me have a successful home business!
- I understand that once my order is authorized, you will process it promptly, and I can access the site immediately.
- I understand that I may cancel at any time but will not be refunded my membership fee for that month.